Friday, October 12, 2018

Saudi Friends without the R

Saudi Arabia, one of our nation's strongest allies, has been under severe scrutiny this week - for notably good reason. Weeks ago, Saudi journalist and American resident Jamal Khashoggi was reported missing; bringing a wave of speculation of murder, kidnapping, and overall foul-play. Speculation seems to have been warranted because this morning, Turkish officials claim to have evidence that the journalist was murdered (and dismembered) at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Officials from the Saudi regime have claimed no wrongdoing; however, the royal family has been found guilty of involvement in supporting dictatorial actions and even terror attacks worldwide (including 9/11). Needless to say, the veil of innocence has been lifted from in-front of the Arabian peninsula - the atrocities committed have been exposed with modern-day mass media coverage. Social media has been firing off the extensive stories and hearsay that has circulated in the past week - American senators, foreign leaders, and human rights' activists have been shining a very, very bright light on Saudi Arabia.

The Arabians are anything but clean; the funding of terrorism throughout the world is bad enough, but the regime remains a friend/business-partner to the U.S. and needs to be examined. Trump - the king of fake news - has stated that no arms agreements will be stopped and that the Saudis are "beautiful friends". Over the next few weeks, mass media will certainly play a deciding factor in world politics with the death of Khashoggi and any subsequent action/inaction.

Image result for khashoggi protestors
protester depicting Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

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